San Lorenzo School Christian Education for Indigenous Children

Mission: To create, support, mentor, and network for Christ worldwide!  
Vision:  Working together so everyone can experience the love of Jesus personally.

The Chamula tribe speak Tzotzil dialect, living off the land growing bananas, oranges, beans, and corn for tortillas. Women embroider colorful blouses, with each village having their own distinct design.
Each year about 100 students in 12 grades feel privileged to get a balanced Christian education. Teachers and students visit homes and hold evangelistic meetings in nearby villages, resulting in baptisms. They learn practical skills working on campus. Current agricultural pursuits include bananas, cacao, vanilla beans, and a large vegetable garden. Students from distant villages stay in primitive dorm facilities. Lumber is cut by chainsaw for buildings and furniture.

These folks really Dream

Big - read the story here!

LINKS to short San Lorenzo videos:

San Lorenzo teachers & Chamula students at

San Lorenzo in Chiapas, Mexico]

This school was founded in 1981 by Chamula Indian Dionisio López with great vision of a better future

for his people. (With 14 children in his own family, Dionisio needed a church school just to educate them!) MPI stepped in to assist with classroom construction, teacher salaries, and establishing

school industries.

Linda Vista University Thanks MPI Donors

for their support of Worthy Needy Students

In the year 2000 a bumpy road and electricity finally reached San Lorenzo, making it possible for Mission Trip volunteers to bring medical, dental, and construction assistance.

MPI provides assistance to needy worthy students at SDA schools who have struggled financially. Often they need only a boost of a few hundred dollars to complete their school year and graduate. It’s so heartwarming to see their tears of  gratitude and hear their words of thankfulness!

San Lorenzo school is located at the base of towering mountain peaks, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, caves and waterfalls. A river flows from the base of the peaks, providing abundant pure,

clean water.

Situated in a remote area of Chiapas, south Mexico, for many years it could only be reached by hiking 16 miles over 2 mountain ranges and crossing 3 rivers. Trails used for many centuries were often knee-deep in sticky clay mud.

Hundreds of bright, energetic San Lorenzo graduates have continued their education elsewhere, and now serve as teachers,  pastors, nurses, accountants, and in other capacities throughout Mexico and other countries.

Many have returned to serve among their own people, teaching new generations to better serve God, their fellow men, and their country.

Students in uniform at San Lorenzo school in Chiapas, Mexico.

Solar-powered “Talking Bibles” have resulted

in more Huichol finding new life in Christ.

Lucas (center) studied at an Adventist university and is now a powerful spiritual leader among his tribe.

                  Huichol Native Evangelism

These colorful people have resisted the Gospel for many years.  But providing clean water, medical and agricultural care in remote villages, and educating their youth in Seventh-day Adventist schools has resulted in open doors to their hearts.

Located in the rugged mountains of Chiapas, south Mexico, this remote school provides 12 grades of Adventist education to  Indigenous natives, many who have furthered their education at our universities and now serve as teachers, pastors, accountants, nurses and in many other areas.  MPI helps with teacher stipends.